Thursday, October 22, 2009

Final Character Concept (Vic)

Alright, time to get some stuff up! In my previous quarter I tried making a model pack for an enviroment. Obviously that wasn't my strongsuit and i showed Sean my character model pack and he thought that'd be best for my final product (for the quarter). though in that time i had little crituqe and even less to make concepts which ultimately lead to a weak esign... SO here i am, finalizing that. right now its not colored, but as of now thats a low priority and it'll be done within the week. nonetheless, here it is!

Now, lets take a look at what he used to look like:

You can see i increased the badassness factor by 313.666%! Perhaps the assault riffle has something to do with it... the colored version will be out ... soon, hopefully before the end of the week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I has blog

now! ...then... umm... i shall post stuff up here... soon